In Quest of Pre Historic Swimming Reptiles

As is well known, the scientists maintain that the ”dinosaurs” went extinct sixty five million years ago. They also maintain that ”the great sea lizards and the snake necked plesiosaurs were also dying out”, at that time. It is no secret that I consider this to be nothing other than a scientific fairy tale. I have documented that the animals which have been classified as dinosaurs, were nothing other than birds. I also maintain that the ”great sea lizards and snake necked plesiosaurs” are also still alive.

With that in mind, I strongly suspected that the animal in Okanagan Lake, the so called ”Ogopogo”, was nothing other than one of those swimming reptiles. Yet I was mistaken, as I have recently determined that the animal in Okanagan Lake is Basilosaurus, a huge whale, a whale with legs, a walking whale.

As I have documented in a previous article, this makes the task of proving the existence of this animal much easier. Basilosaurus is a predator, but not a carnivore. It is an omnivore. It is also nocturnal, so that it spends the daylight hours in underwater caves. After sundown, it comes out of the water and consumes vegetation, mainly grass. Now, it is simply a matter of setting up trail cameras, on the edge of meadows, adjacent to the lake. In the moon light, we should be able to get some fine pictures of this animal. As it is the largest of all land dwelling animals, it is rather difficult to miss.

The implication is that I was also mistaken when I suggested that the woolly mammoth was the largest of all land dwelling animals. Such is life. Live and learn.

My mistake was instructive, so perhaps others can learn from this. Common sense told me that a fresh water lake could not possibly support a population of huge predatory swimming mammals. I still maintain that I was correct. So I assumed that the predators in the lake had to be reptiles, as pound for pound, reptiles require a fraction the amount of nourishment of mammals. Ten percent, in fact, so that the amount of food a one tonne mammal requires each month, will support a one tonne reptile for one year. I mention this for the sake of those who are not mathematical wizards.

Yet Basilosaurus, the walking whale, is definitely a mammal, and it is definitely alive and well, in Okanagan Lake. Yet it is not the lake, by itself, which supports that whale. My mistake was in thinking of the lake in isolation. In fact, it is part of a large ecosystem, which includes the underwater caves, streams that flow into the lake, adjacent meadows, swamps and forested areas. It is the Okanagan ecosystem which supports these huge whales. Further, as top predator, Basilosaurus is key to the health of the whole ecosystem.

That solves one mystery, but in no way changes the fact that the huge prehistoric reptiles must still be alive. As they are clearly not in the fresh water lakes, it stands to reason that they must be in the salt water oceans. Now it is simply a matter of locating them.

Some of the techniques I suggested previously, in looking for Ogopogo, can now be applied to the coastal regions. As these animals are reptiles, they have to come to the surface on a regular basis, in order to breath. So that rules out the deep blue sea. Yet there are few reports, from sailors, concerning these huge animals. This suggests that these animals are nocturnal, perhaps spending the daylight hours in underwater caves.

Assuming that is the case, then it is also reasonable to assume that they must be located close to land. The males may have also evolved the same method of display, as that of their flying brethren, the pterosaurs. In other words, these swimming reptiles may be able to glow. If so, then that explains the underwater lights, which have so mystified people.

In fact, there are numerous reports of underwater lights. The trouble is that the details, which are of such vital importance, are quite scarce. Among those few rare gems, are the facts that these lights have been spotted ”off the coast of California”, as well as ”close to the Soloman Islands”. That is not much to go on, but it is a start.

It stands to reason that the underwater caves must be on the coast, close to the location of the lights. It further stands to reason that these animals, as reptiles, reproduce by laying eggs, probably on the beach, in the sand. Without a doubt, the flying predators, referred to as raptors, birds of prey, are supremely well aware of the location of this nesting site, and of the time of the year that the eggs hatch. After all, the survival of predators depends upon their being able to take advantage of all food sources.

We can use this to our advantage. Rather than look for the nesting ground of these reptiles, we can instead look for a gathering of raptors, close to the beaches. As they sit on the branches of trees, in anticipation of a feast, and there are great flocks of them, they are easy to spot.

Of course, the coast of California is vast, and it would be nice to narrow our search area, but it may not be necessary. It is quite possible that these animals are widespread.

My suggestion is that the newly created Councils, or at least those which have taken shape close to the Coast, should assign teams of common people to investigate. Each team should be given a certain stretch of the Coast. Their assignment must be to determine if anyone living along the Coast has seen any such gathering of raptors. As such coastal areas tend to be densely populated, it is very likely that the people who live there have noticed these gatherings.

I must stress that this quest, for pre historic animals which the scientists claim to be extinct, is part of the class struggle, and not a substitution for that struggle. Working people are concerned with more than wages, working and living conditions. Mind you, those are important in their own right, and the gaining of such reforms are a by product of the revolutionary movement. In fact, they tend to strengthen and further the revolutionary motion. That is a fact.

It is also a fact that the proof of the existence of various huge species, by the members of the working class, can also be viewed as a reform. After all, they are part of our heritage, a heritage which has been stolen, from us, by the capitalists. To restore our heritage, by the same members of the working class, will also have the effect of boosting the morale of the workers. It will dramatically increase their self confidence.

We can think of this as valuable training towards the Dictatorship Of the Proletariat, because that is precisely the case. After the revolution, after the capitalists, the billionaires, the bourgeoisie, are overthrown, after the state apparatus is smashed, numerous workers will have to be placed in positions of authority, in order to crush the ”desperate and determined” efforts of the capitalists to restore their ”paradise lost”. Any training those workers receive now, will prove to be invaluable.

At the same time, this will assist the members of the Councils, in their effort to determine the suitability of these workers for key positions, at the time of the Insurrection. Bear in mind that at the time of the Russian Revolution of October, 1917, the actual Insurrection, was not only successful, it was also practically bloodless. There was a reason for that. Only the most resolute, determined workers were placed in key positions, at the time of the Insurrection. Those who tended to vacillate, or could even be expected to vacillate, were purged, before the Insurrection.

This may sound harsh, but only because it is harsh. The time of the Insurrection is no time to be sentimental. It is the time to be completely, totally audacious. Any weakness can prove to be fatal. The ”defensive is the death of any Insurrection”! At such a time, the slogan must be, Victory or Death!

To the Councils, I can only say that the revolution may erupt into full scale Insurrection at any time. Such an Insurrection has a far better chance of success, if it is carefully planned, not spontaneous. Proper leadership is critical. This calls for Communist leaders, those who stand for the Dictatorship Of the Proletariat. That is where you people, members of the Councils, come into the picture. Now is the time to form a proper Communist Party, and to prepare for the Insurrection, as well as the subsequent Dictatorship Of the Proletariat. The training of working people, in the task of locating these huge animals, is part of that preparation.

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